Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, September 02, 2011
A new beginning:Teacheru 2.0
To all Teacheru readers: it is time for a new beginning. I am moving to a new house. Thank you all for stopping by and I hope to see you there!
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Obama-the failure of a marketing product:teleprompter addict with poor writing skills
2008 was the greatest year in marketing history, the year when a hollow candidate with no record became the President of the United States.Thanks to Jack Cashill, the Obama marketing product is now presented to the public for what it is: a far from brilliant guy that makes grammatical errors a decent fifth grader wouldn't.
By Jack Cashill-American Thinker
Via iOwnTheWorld
On November 16, 1990, Barack Obama, then president of the Harvard Law Review, published a letter in the Harvard Law Record, an independent Harvard Law School newspaper, championing affirmative action.
Although a paragraph from this letter was excerpted in David Remnick's biography of Obama, The Bridge, I had not seen the letter in its entirety before this week. Not surprisingly, it confirms everything I know about Barack Obama, the writer and thinker.
Obama was prompted to write by an earlier letter from a Mr. Jim Chen that criticized Harvard Law Review's affirmative action policies. Specifically, Chen had argued that affirmative action stigmatized its presumed beneficiaries.
The response is classic Obama: patronizing, dishonest, syntactically muddled, and grammatically challenged. In the very first sentence Obama leads with his signature failing, one on full display in his earlier published work: his inability to make subject and predicate agree.
"Since the merits of the Law Review's selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues," wrote Obama, "I'd like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works."
If Obama were as smart as a fifth-grader, he would know, of course, that "merits ... have." Were there such a thing as a literary Darwin Award, Obama could have won it on this on one sentence alone. He had vindicated Chen in his first ten words.
Although the letter is fewer than a thousand words long, Obama repeats the subject-predicate error at least two more times. In one sentence, he seemingly cannot make up his mind as to which verb option is correct so he tries both: "Approximately half of this first batch is chosen ... the other half are selected ... "
Another distinctive Obama flaw is to allow a string of words to float in space. Please note the unanchored phrase in italics at the end of this sentence:
"No editors on the Review will ever know whether any given editor was selected on the basis of grades, writing competition, or affirmative action, and no editors who were selected with affirmative action in mind." Huh?
The entire article here.
By Jack Cashill-American Thinker
Via iOwnTheWorld
On November 16, 1990, Barack Obama, then president of the Harvard Law Review, published a letter in the Harvard Law Record, an independent Harvard Law School newspaper, championing affirmative action.
Although a paragraph from this letter was excerpted in David Remnick's biography of Obama, The Bridge, I had not seen the letter in its entirety before this week. Not surprisingly, it confirms everything I know about Barack Obama, the writer and thinker.
Obama was prompted to write by an earlier letter from a Mr. Jim Chen that criticized Harvard Law Review's affirmative action policies. Specifically, Chen had argued that affirmative action stigmatized its presumed beneficiaries.
The response is classic Obama: patronizing, dishonest, syntactically muddled, and grammatically challenged. In the very first sentence Obama leads with his signature failing, one on full display in his earlier published work: his inability to make subject and predicate agree.
"Since the merits of the Law Review's selection policy has been the subject of commentary for the last three issues," wrote Obama, "I'd like to take the time to clarify exactly how our selection process works."
If Obama were as smart as a fifth-grader, he would know, of course, that "merits ... have." Were there such a thing as a literary Darwin Award, Obama could have won it on this on one sentence alone. He had vindicated Chen in his first ten words.
Although the letter is fewer than a thousand words long, Obama repeats the subject-predicate error at least two more times. In one sentence, he seemingly cannot make up his mind as to which verb option is correct so he tries both: "Approximately half of this first batch is chosen ... the other half are selected ... "
Another distinctive Obama flaw is to allow a string of words to float in space. Please note the unanchored phrase in italics at the end of this sentence:
"No editors on the Review will ever know whether any given editor was selected on the basis of grades, writing competition, or affirmative action, and no editors who were selected with affirmative action in mind." Huh?
The entire article here.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hurricane Irene brought a new sport to New York City:street swimming
Look at what his t-shirt is saying. I bet his kids are proud of daddy, they are excited to give him a shower.With the garden hose.
Via The Blaze
Via The Blaze
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thomas Sowell-Dismantling America
"Community organizers don't unify.They divide, they polarize.That's how they get what they want".
Friday, August 26, 2011
Reason TV:Battle for the California Desert:Why is the Government driving folks off their land?
Looks like there are less places where people can leave as they wish, without the Mighty Government blessing. Code enforcement in the desert, what's next?
The Antelope Valley is a vast patch of desert on the outskirts of Los Angeles County, and a segment of the few rugged individualists who live out there increasingly are finding themselves the targets of armed raids from local code enforcement agents, who've assembled into task forces called Nuisance Abatement Teams (NATs).
The full story here.
The Antelope Valley is a vast patch of desert on the outskirts of Los Angeles County, and a segment of the few rugged individualists who live out there increasingly are finding themselves the targets of armed raids from local code enforcement agents, who've assembled into task forces called Nuisance Abatement Teams (NATs).
The full story here.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Donkey Whisperer-Roger Williams for Congress
You go, Roger! If you win, you may learn that dealing with your liberal colleagues is not much different than being around your donkey buddies. They know very little and they are stubborn when it comes to learn anything.No offense to donkeys!
Via The Blaze
Via The Blaze
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Learning from the Best:How to say nothing in 68 words with Joe Biden
The Romans were given Bread and Circuses by their Emperors . Obama has cut the bread and made Joe a VP.
Via Breitbart TV
Via Breitbart TV
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Obama's car Czar, Mao and free markets
Obama claims he is not a Socialist.I think me meant he is not there yet.He has a 300 million lab rats to run his experiments on.
4 more years.NOT!
Via The Blaze
4 more years.NOT!
Via The Blaze
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Little Debbie in Obamaland
I ran into a clip from "Face the Nation" on CBS that was took place this morning-Thank you Weasel Zippers!.The show's host Norah O'Donnell made sure from the beginning of the interview that she was ready to do whatever it took to get the truth out: the mess we are in is all Republicans fault. Here is the video of the segment below, followed by the transcript, my notes added.Enjoy!
O'Donnell: And welcome back to Face the Nation, Congresswoman Debbie Wassermann Schultz is also in Iowa this weekend, and joins us now. Congresswoman good to see you, I know you are here focused on many of the republicans who are part of the Iowa Straw Poll but another Republican, in South Carolina, Governor Rick Perry who threw his hat into the ring, and also offered a withering everything attack on President Obama's economic leadership and he talked about the S&P downgrade, I want you to listen.How dear he?
RICK PERRY SOUNDBYTE: The fact is for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs, he has been downgrading our standing in the world, he has been downgrading our financial stability, he has been downgrading our confidence, and downgrading the hope for a better future for our children. That is a fact.
O'Donnell: The Governor said that for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs, downgrading our standing in the world, and downgrading our financial stability. I am sure you disagree with that, but what is factually in accurate about what he said? Would you like some coffee or water is ok?
Wasserman Schultz: I am incredibly proud of President Obama's accomplishments.First and foremost, he have supported me to become DNC Chairwoman, that's some accomplishment! This is a President that took on the health insurance industry and reformed healthcare to make sure that every American could have coverage-Illegal aliens too.Ooops, the PC-BS term is Displaced Foreign Traveler now-and insurance companies couldn't drop you or deny you coverage-those evil insurance companies;Note to myself-we could use some donations form them, I'll ask Barry to call-, took on Wall Street-The Fat Cats, ya know-, made sure that banks were not ever again too big to fail-did Barry help them shrink?-, made sure that we ban to get our economy turned around-that's the new saying for Down The Drain-, so I think Americans are appreciative-in fact 20% of them, but we are not going to let the facts get in our way to the Final Victory- of the hard work and effort and accomplishment that President Obama has made and certainly those accomplishments are not reflective of any of the governor's inappropriate comments-Damn Racist!.
O'Donnell: Inappropriate, but what about..
Wasserman Schultz: Inaccurate...and Racist
O'Donnell: And what about the argument that since he has taken office that there hasn't been a strong turnaround? For instance you have said repeatedly that we are in much better shape than we were when President Obama took office. But the facts are very difficult, perhaps for the Democratic Party and that is this: That unemployment was at 7.3 percent. When he took office and now at 9.1 percent, unemployment up 25 percent, 11.1 million were unemployed then compared to almost 14 million unemployed now. And 13 and a half million more people are on food stamps today. How are we in quote, unquote much better shape as you argue?
Wasserman Schultz: Well, President Obama inherited a huge problem-It's Bush's fault, you know;Barry is going to run on it in 2012. Pretty clever, huh?-, the worst recession that we have had since the great depression, created by the policies, the failed policies of the previous Republican administration, where we went from a record surplus to a record deficit, and so working our way out of that problem is incredibly challenging but the fact remains that before President Obama took office, Norah, we were bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, the economy was in free fall, we were on the precipice of economic disaster and now two and a half years later, although we have a long way to go and we need to work together and come together to get the economy to continue to move, we have created 2.4 million private sector jobs, 17 straight months of private sector job growth-if you don't believe me, you can check the Department of Labor Statistics Data;not you silly, run get me some water, I'm getting thirsty here!- so we have begun to turn things around, we acknowledge we have a long way to go-that's why Barry needs 4 more years- and certainly no longer in free fall-It's called assisted fall because Barry is watching it-. We just have to keep our nose to the grindstone and keep focus.
O'Donnell: How do you draw a contrast then against the Governor of Texas where nearly half of the jobs that have been created in America were created in Texas?
Wasserman Schultz: There are dramatic contrasts with the Governor of Texas not the least of which is that it is extremely difficult for him to deserve credit for that job creation when you have rising gas prices that created oil jobs that he had nothing to do with-Barry should get credit for this one, he imposed the oil drill ban, right?-, when you had military spending as a result of two wars that created military jobs that he had nothing to do with-Barry should get credit for this one too, he kept the troops in Irak and Afganistan. When you have the recovery act-shovel ready projects, remember?-championed by President Obama that created jobs in Texas that he had nothing to do with. So it is way over blown to suggest that the job creation in Texas is squarely on the shoulders of his policies-in fact, I just showed you how is all Barry's merit.
O'Donnell: We are going to have an interesting day on Monday here in Iowa because not only is Governor Perry going to be here but President Obama is going to be here in Iowa. He is launching a midwest bus tour through three different states, key swing states, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa. His approval rating, I just want to show you his approval rating in some of these states, in Iowa it's dropped from 61 to 49 percent in just two years. In Minnesota, it's dropped 14 percent, 66 to 52 percent. And even in his home state of Illinois the president's approval has gone down 17 points, 71 to 54 percent. Is the President in trouble?
Wasserman Schultz: Not at all. The President is in actually remarkably good shape-you saw the Rasmussen poll, right?- given that he is still struggling to help pull our economy out of the republican, the republican recession that he inherited-those Damn Republicans that want to starve the Senior Citizens to death-. His numbers are still strong-did you see the Rasmussen Poll?-, he still has widespread support-among the White House staffers-, if anyone is in trouble, it is the Republican Party-because I'm a Lady, this is some free advice;Allen West, did you hear?-. Right now, they have a collection of candidates for president who are busy out trying to out right wing each other-Terrorists!-. Essentially they are all so similar that they might as well be Legos, they are that interchangeable, they are that interchangeable-Barry can relax, play some golf or something-. You have a president who has asked the country to compromise, tried to bring them together, and all nine presidential candidates the other night raised their right hand in the debate and said, even when faced with the most reasonable question, would you support a deficit reduction deal that would be ten to one cuts to revenue, they still said no-Terrorists!-. That is how strangled by the tea party that they are, and that is not what Americans are looking for, they are looking for solutions-Barry has them all.
O'Donnell: All right. The debate has begun, Congress Debbie Wassermann Schultz, good to see you, thanks so much for joining us. I will be back in a moment with our political panel. Stay with us.In the mean time, would you like some water?
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for watching our segment "Little Debbie in Obamaland"
O'Donnell: And welcome back to Face the Nation, Congresswoman Debbie Wassermann Schultz is also in Iowa this weekend, and joins us now. Congresswoman good to see you, I know you are here focused on many of the republicans who are part of the Iowa Straw Poll but another Republican, in South Carolina, Governor Rick Perry who threw his hat into the ring, and also offered a withering everything attack on President Obama's economic leadership and he talked about the S&P downgrade, I want you to listen.How dear he?
RICK PERRY SOUNDBYTE: The fact is for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs, he has been downgrading our standing in the world, he has been downgrading our financial stability, he has been downgrading our confidence, and downgrading the hope for a better future for our children. That is a fact.
O'Donnell: The Governor said that for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs, downgrading our standing in the world, and downgrading our financial stability. I am sure you disagree with that, but what is factually in accurate about what he said? Would you like some coffee or water is ok?
Wasserman Schultz: I am incredibly proud of President Obama's accomplishments.First and foremost, he have supported me to become DNC Chairwoman, that's some accomplishment! This is a President that took on the health insurance industry and reformed healthcare to make sure that every American could have coverage-Illegal aliens too.Ooops, the PC-BS term is Displaced Foreign Traveler now-and insurance companies couldn't drop you or deny you coverage-those evil insurance companies;Note to myself-we could use some donations form them, I'll ask Barry to call-, took on Wall Street-The Fat Cats, ya know-, made sure that banks were not ever again too big to fail-did Barry help them shrink?-, made sure that we ban to get our economy turned around-that's the new saying for Down The Drain-, so I think Americans are appreciative-in fact 20% of them, but we are not going to let the facts get in our way to the Final Victory- of the hard work and effort and accomplishment that President Obama has made and certainly those accomplishments are not reflective of any of the governor's inappropriate comments-Damn Racist!.
O'Donnell: Inappropriate, but what about..
Wasserman Schultz: Inaccurate...and Racist
O'Donnell: And what about the argument that since he has taken office that there hasn't been a strong turnaround? For instance you have said repeatedly that we are in much better shape than we were when President Obama took office. But the facts are very difficult, perhaps for the Democratic Party and that is this: That unemployment was at 7.3 percent. When he took office and now at 9.1 percent, unemployment up 25 percent, 11.1 million were unemployed then compared to almost 14 million unemployed now. And 13 and a half million more people are on food stamps today. How are we in quote, unquote much better shape as you argue?
Wasserman Schultz: Well, President Obama inherited a huge problem-It's Bush's fault, you know;Barry is going to run on it in 2012. Pretty clever, huh?-, the worst recession that we have had since the great depression, created by the policies, the failed policies of the previous Republican administration, where we went from a record surplus to a record deficit, and so working our way out of that problem is incredibly challenging but the fact remains that before President Obama took office, Norah, we were bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, the economy was in free fall, we were on the precipice of economic disaster and now two and a half years later, although we have a long way to go and we need to work together and come together to get the economy to continue to move, we have created 2.4 million private sector jobs, 17 straight months of private sector job growth-if you don't believe me, you can check the Department of Labor Statistics Data;not you silly, run get me some water, I'm getting thirsty here!- so we have begun to turn things around, we acknowledge we have a long way to go-that's why Barry needs 4 more years- and certainly no longer in free fall-It's called assisted fall because Barry is watching it-. We just have to keep our nose to the grindstone and keep focus.
O'Donnell: How do you draw a contrast then against the Governor of Texas where nearly half of the jobs that have been created in America were created in Texas?
Wasserman Schultz: There are dramatic contrasts with the Governor of Texas not the least of which is that it is extremely difficult for him to deserve credit for that job creation when you have rising gas prices that created oil jobs that he had nothing to do with-Barry should get credit for this one, he imposed the oil drill ban, right?-, when you had military spending as a result of two wars that created military jobs that he had nothing to do with-Barry should get credit for this one too, he kept the troops in Irak and Afganistan. When you have the recovery act-shovel ready projects, remember?-championed by President Obama that created jobs in Texas that he had nothing to do with. So it is way over blown to suggest that the job creation in Texas is squarely on the shoulders of his policies-in fact, I just showed you how is all Barry's merit.
O'Donnell: We are going to have an interesting day on Monday here in Iowa because not only is Governor Perry going to be here but President Obama is going to be here in Iowa. He is launching a midwest bus tour through three different states, key swing states, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa. His approval rating, I just want to show you his approval rating in some of these states, in Iowa it's dropped from 61 to 49 percent in just two years. In Minnesota, it's dropped 14 percent, 66 to 52 percent. And even in his home state of Illinois the president's approval has gone down 17 points, 71 to 54 percent. Is the President in trouble?
Wasserman Schultz: Not at all. The President is in actually remarkably good shape-you saw the Rasmussen poll, right?- given that he is still struggling to help pull our economy out of the republican, the republican recession that he inherited-those Damn Republicans that want to starve the Senior Citizens to death-. His numbers are still strong-did you see the Rasmussen Poll?-, he still has widespread support-among the White House staffers-, if anyone is in trouble, it is the Republican Party-because I'm a Lady, this is some free advice;Allen West, did you hear?-. Right now, they have a collection of candidates for president who are busy out trying to out right wing each other-Terrorists!-. Essentially they are all so similar that they might as well be Legos, they are that interchangeable, they are that interchangeable-Barry can relax, play some golf or something-. You have a president who has asked the country to compromise, tried to bring them together, and all nine presidential candidates the other night raised their right hand in the debate and said, even when faced with the most reasonable question, would you support a deficit reduction deal that would be ten to one cuts to revenue, they still said no-Terrorists!-. That is how strangled by the tea party that they are, and that is not what Americans are looking for, they are looking for solutions-Barry has them all.
O'Donnell: All right. The debate has begun, Congress Debbie Wassermann Schultz, good to see you, thanks so much for joining us. I will be back in a moment with our political panel. Stay with us.In the mean time, would you like some water?
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for watching our segment "Little Debbie in Obamaland"
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Ames,Iowa Straw Poll live.Update: Michele Bachmann declarată câştigătoare
Michele Bachmann, congreswoman reprezentând statul Minnesota a fost declarată câştigatoare a Straw Poll-ului din Ames, Iowa. Sondajul nu are valoare ştiinţifică, reprezentând însă un indicator în privinţa capacităţii candidaţilor de mobilizare a susţinătorilor din teritoriu. Bachmann a fost secondată de Ron Paul-congresman din Texas şi Tim Pawlenty-fost guvernator al statului Minnesota.
Mai multe despre eveniment în articolul Associated Press.
Mai multe despre eveniment în articolul Associated Press.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Cine a câştigat dezbaterea candidaţilor republicani de aseară?
Mi- a plăcut în mod deosebit prestaţia oferită de Michele Bachmann. Mitt Romney a ieşit de asemenea foarte bine, întărindu-şi poziţia de front-runner.Pawlenty a cam zbârcit-o cu atacurile la Bachmann. Cain a părut derutat de mediul în care a trebuit să se desfăşoare, plătind tribut faptului că nu e obişnuit cu loviturile sub centură specifice politicienilor. Newt Gingrich a apărut drept arţăgos, fapt care nu i-a adus multe servicii. Ron Paul dă impresia că trăieşte într-un univers paralel. Deşi are cei mai zgomotoşi susţinători care au inundat blogurile conservatoare propulsându-l în sondaje drept câştigător al dezbaterii de aseară, Paul se îndreaptă cu paşi siguri spre o binemeritată pensionare. Ceilalţi candidaţi n-au reuşit nimic notabil, consolidandu-şi poziţiile de loseri în competiţia pentru nominalizare.
Pentru cei care nu au avut ocazia să urmărească dezbaterea de aseară în direct, postez mai jos câteva clipuri cu cele mai interesante momente, cât şi analiza post dezbatere a lui Dick Morris.
Clipurile sunt preluate de pe Fox Nation.
Pentru cei care nu au avut ocazia să urmărească dezbaterea de aseară în direct, postez mai jos câteva clipuri cu cele mai interesante momente, cât şi analiza post dezbatere a lui Dick Morris.
Clipurile sunt preluate de pe Fox Nation.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Dezbaterea candidaţilor republicani la Preşedinţia S.U.A., în direct din Ames-Iowa
Urmăriţi dezbaterea în direct aici:
Comentariile mele live aici:
Comentariile mele live aici:
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Doza zilnică de Al Sharpton:Dow Jones a scăzut cu 630%
Staţi liniştiţi la locuhili voasthe şi nu mai aruncaţi cu răutacisme. Omul e jurnalist profesionist, nu absolvent de clasa a şasea. Dacă nu mă credeţi, urmăriţi clipul următor:
Obama ar face bine să-l angajeze pe Michael Moore în poziţia de Truth CZar. Moore cere arestarea conducerii S&P
Scăderea ratingului de ţară creează fenomene devastatoare printre stângiştii americani.Simptomele sunt ciudat de aseamanatoare cu sindromul vacii nebune. De vină sunt:teroriştii Tea Party, republicanii, George W Bush şi ultimii pe listă, cu sau fără voia dumneavoatra, trădătorii de la S&P. Petrecerea continuă.
Preluat de pe Weasel Zippers.
Preluat de pe Weasel Zippers.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Jackpot:Pe tronsonul orar în care se difuzează showul lui Al Sharpton, MSNBC deturnează spectatorii Comedy Central
Că să nu ziceţi că-i doar o vorbă-n vânt, urmăriţi cele mai savuroase secvenţe selectate de MRC TV din programul găzduit de inegalabilul Al.
John Bolton:Why I may run for President
Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations that “the first duty of the sovereign, that of protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other independent societies, can be performed only by means of a military force.” Today, failing to protect our national security inevitably endangers our economic prosperity by making us vulnerable to global adversaries.
It is clear that President Obama does not agree with Smith’s wisdom. Obama’s policies are jeopardizing not only our national security and economy, but our constitutional sovereignty too.
That is why I have been considering running for President. The Republican Party must nominate a leader who, unlike Obama, understands instinctively that America’s liberty, prosperity and national security are inextricably linked.
Sadly, last week’s debt-ceiling legislation, potentially resulting in catastrophic cuts to our defense budget, only reinforces my deep concerns. This may have been the best we could get, and it is far better than we feared. But the deal risks massive defense cutbacks, potentially pointing a dagger at the heart of our security and sovereignty.
We now face a minimum of $700 to 800 billion more in defense cuts, in addition to the $400 billion Obama has already imposed, with potentially catastrophic consequences. The joint committee established to fashion the second tranche of spending cuts (or tax increases) is not likely to protect us from massive defense cuts. The liberals will be working feverishly to put conservatives on the committee in an untenable position: a Hobson’s choice between tax increases and deep cuts in defense spending.
The debt-ceiling legislation’s trigger mechanism, with its grave risk of disproportionate cuts in defense spending, is potentially even more draconian. America’s national security is not just another wasteful government program, especially in perilous times like today. We are heavily involved in two major conflicts, the long-term global War on Terror and the critical effort to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Recent confirmation that Iran, on the verge of becoming a nuclear power, is materially aiding al-Qaeda only underlines the risk of massive U.S. defense cuts.
President Obama, unlike all his predecessors since Franklin Roosevelt, does not treat national security as his top priority. He does not see the world as threatening to U.S. interests. And he is comfortable with America’s “inevitable” decline in the world, rather than being determined to prevent it. Obama is our first post-American President. He fancies himself to be above mere “patriotism.” He is less an advocate for American interests than a “citizen of the world,” in his own phrase.
For two-and-a-half years, Americans have witnessed the devastating results of Obama’s “post-American” worldview. Russia has taken advantage of his naïve “reset” policy, while Iran and North Korea continue to aggressively pursue nuclear weapons. Staunch allies such as the Czech Republic, Poland and Japan question our resolve. Even France thinks he lacks leadership. China and the International Monetary Fund now openly cast doubt on the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And Obama’s policy toward Libya has been an abject failure to date. He entered the conflict for the wrong reasons, failed to allow our military to accomplish its mission, invited Russia in to mediate, and now seems content to allow Muammar Gaddafi to remain in Libya. An Obama adviser called his approach “leading from behind.” Indeed it is, but it is not the American way.
Israel Victimized
No ally has been more victimized by Obama’s worldview than Israel. As our most anti-Israel President, bar none, Obama fundamentally misunderstands the nature of the security threats to Israel and the United States in the Middle East. Iran’s support for terrorism and pursuit of nuclear weapons goes unanswered. Radical groups around the region have been emboldened in the face of sustained incoherence in U.S. policy. In addition to Israel, Arab friends in the region, especially those producing oil and gas critical to the international economy, are shocked at the Obama administration’s treatment of close friends and its inability to comprehend, let alone defend, core American interests.
In addition, Obama is enamored of European-style schemes for global governance. He has naïvely called for a world in which America voluntarily gives up its nuclear weapons in hopes that our adversaries do so too. He yearns to join the International Criminal Court and risks subjecting America’s warriors to prosecutions and trial.Unable to achieve national gun-control legislation at home, he is seeking a backdoor route through an “arms trade treaty” now under negotiation at the United Nations. Despite his pro forma denials, Obama fundamentally does not believe in American exceptionalism, nor that American strength has ensured our peace and security since World War II.
Americans should understand that Obama’s international policies have a direct and profound impact on our economic prosperity. One obvious example is the devastating impact of another terrorist attack here at home, especially one with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. Instability abroad has a profound impact on oil and gas supplies, and therefore the price we pay to fill up the family car with gasoline. Global supply chains vital to America’s jobs are threatened when our Navy is unable to protect U.S. shipping and vital sea lanes. Our failed border security policy allows the violence of drug cartels to spill across our borders and endanger our families. Obama’s existing cuts in our defense budget, and the ones surely coming under the debt-ceiling bill, will only magnify our inability to protect ourselves.
No GOP Candidate So Far
In 16 months, Americans will again go to the polls and vote for the person they believe can best lead our country. Beyond question, Obama’s economic policies have failed to renew the economy and are now a principal reason the recovery is stalled. His national security policies are even more dangerous. The American dream is under assault, and Obama is not fighting back. We need a real President in the Oval Office, someone who knows instinctively and by experience that, as Adam Smith said, “the first duty of the sovereign” is to protect and promote American sovereignty and national security. Otherwise, economic prosperity will count for little.
To date, in my view, no Republican candidate has persuasively argued that our economic recovery and long-term prosperity are completely intertwined with a strong national security posture. If no one else is prepared to make that case, I will.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Deja vu:Preşedintele Obama se va concentra exclusiv pe crearea de locuri de muncă
E semn rău pentru marxistul-şef, când până şi fanii din presă s-au săturat de gargara care nu mai păcăleşte pe nimeni.
Preluat de pe Weasel Zippers.
Preluat de pe Weasel Zippers.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Premiile MSNBC "Bine că eşti tu deştept!": Bloggerul liberal Ezra Klein primeşte o lecţie de capitalism de la Rick Santelli
Un lucru ştiut de cei care urmăresc dezbaterile pe teme politice şi economice din S.U.A. şi de aiurea e că liberalii folosesc argumente şablon inspirate din manualul luptei de clasă, menite să impresioneze electoratul captiv al democraţilor(captiv în faţa televizorului setat pe MSNBC, de unde îşi iau porţia zilnică de ură împotriva bogaţilor care le plătesc chiria, abonamentul la cablu, telefonul mobil şi alte nevoi de bază ale trântorului). Ceea ce nu se întâmplă zi de zi e ca un invitat la emisiunile trompetei MSNBC să aibă curajul să-i pună în banca lor, expunând lipsa de idei şi demagogia sensibililor liberali.
Ultima lecţie despre lumea reală a fost ţinută de profesorul Rick Santelli domnului Goe liberal Ezra Klein.
Iată ce îl învaţă Santelli pe tânărul Klein, în speranţa că n-o să mai rămână repetent şi anul acesta:
"Well, first of all, money doesn't move around in ways that are unfair.Money moves around because people that have it control it or invest it, it's their and they put it in places that they deem appropriate and any outsider looking at that process using attitudes like "unfair" just don't understand markets and capitalism".
Video preluat de pe Breitbart TV
Ultima lecţie despre lumea reală a fost ţinută de profesorul Rick Santelli domnului Goe liberal Ezra Klein.
Iată ce îl învaţă Santelli pe tânărul Klein, în speranţa că n-o să mai rămână repetent şi anul acesta:
"Well, first of all, money doesn't move around in ways that are unfair.Money moves around because people that have it control it or invest it, it's their and they put it in places that they deem appropriate and any outsider looking at that process using attitudes like "unfair"
Video preluat de pe Breitbart TV
Friday, August 05, 2011
Hmmm...Bill O'Reilly zice că preşedintele pierde vitamine. Cocktailul cu conţinut ridicat de taxe nu prea ajută :)
Eu cred că Bush e de vină :)))))))
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Welcome to the Recovery!
Dacă asta consideră obamistii revenire, mă gândesc cu groază cum ar arăta o cădere in opinia lor.
Preluat de pe iOwnTheWorld.
Preluat de pe iOwnTheWorld.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Beyond torture-The Gulag of Piteşti România
Pentru cei care încă tânjesc după comunism, sugerez vizonarea documentarului de mai jos. Mulţumiri Kitman TV, unde puteţi găsi una dintre cele mai complete colecţii de filme documentare despre totalitarism.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Profesorul Niall Ferguson despre criza economică din S.U.A.
Ferguson vorbeşte despre cauzele care au dus la criza ecomomica din S.U.A., conflictul de interese în care se află clasa politică în încercarea de a salva ţara de la colaps şi despre prezentul şi viitorul sistemului educaţional în lumea civilizată.
Friday, July 29, 2011
America altfel:Batman candidează în Tulsa, Oklahoma
Când am văzut titlul ştirii în The Blaze, mi-am zis:wow, asta da glumă!. Citind conţinutul ştirii, a trebuit să recunosc că m-am înselat. Batman pare să fie reprezentarea perfectă a Visului American, un om care a început de jos, devenind un businessman de succes care apreciază oportunităţile oferite de ţara adoptivă şi nu uită de unde a plecat:a donat întreg profitul realizat într-o lună de benzinăria la care este proprietar către Salvation Army.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Produsele Apple, irezistibile peste tot în lume: întregi magazine contrafăcute operează în China
Ce rost are să plăteşti milioane de dolari în francize sau drepturi de distribuitor autorizat, când poţi s-o faci şi fără să plăteşti nimic? Mă întreb ce se va întâmpla când o află Partidul? Cred că-i racolează pe întreprinzători şi-i trimite peste hotare să mai deschidă câteva mii de magazine.
Criza politică din Washington continuă-ultimele declaraţii
Negocierile dintre preşedintele Obama şi republicani nu par să înregistreze progrese semnificative. Preşedintele a făcut o declaraţie de presă aseară, urmată de răspunsul Purtătorului de Cuvânt al Camerei Reprezentanţilor-Joe Boehner. Fox News a făcut un rezumat al poziţiilor celor doi.
Preluare de pe Real Clear Politics.
Preluare de pe Real Clear Politics.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Miracolul de la Valea Plopului-povestea părintelui Tănase, tată pentru 328 de copii
Asociaţia "Pro-Vita" este o organizatie neguvernamentala si non-profit cu sediul în Vălenii de Munte, jud. Prahova, ale carei principale obiective sunt:
• derularea de programe de asistenţă socială adresate copiilor abandonaţi şi tinerelor mame singure în sistem de plasament familial sau mixt;
• salvarea de la dispariţie, recuperarea fizică, psihică şi morală şi reintegrarea copiilor străzii sau copiilor abandonaţi în spitale;
• sprijinul pentru integrarea în viaţa comunităţii a tinerilor peste 18 ani nevoiţi să părăsească orfelinatele;
• lupta împotriva avortului în conformitate cu principiile creştin-ortodoxe.
Asociaţia a fost creată pentru a structura şi a da o formă legală unei activităţi începută cu ani în urmă, de salvare de la dispariţia materială şi recuperare psihică şi morală a unor copii aflaţi la marginea societăţii şi refuzaţi de aceasta.
Numărul total de asistaţi (în continuă modificare) este în acest moment de ~350 de persoane, din următoarele categorii:
- copii rezultaţi în urma renunţării la avort şi lăsaţi spre îngrijire asociaţiei, în condiţii de confidentialitate deplină, pe o perioadă mai mică sau mai mare de timp;
- copii din familii cu mari probleme sociale aduşi de mame pentru o perioadă temporară;
- copii abandonaţi în spitale cu deficienţe în curs de recuperare prin plasarea în mediu familial;
- copii ai străzii recuperaţi şi în curs de reintegrare;
- tineri alungaţi din orfelinate după împlinirea vârstei de 18 ani, resocializati şi implicaţi în activităţi lucrative;
- gravide sau mame alungate de familiile lor şi ocrotite până la rezolvarea situaţiei personale;
- copii rezultaţi din viol.
Activitatea "Pro Vita" se desfasoara dupa un model unic de rezolvare in România a problemelor copiilor dezavantajati social.
The Association "PRO-VITA for born and unborn children" is a non-governmental and non-profit organization.
The activity of the Association is being developed in rural area, within 2 establishments located in Valea Plopului Village and Valea Screzii Village, both villages belonging to Poseşti Commune, Prahova County, in a hill area with such natural conditions favourable to physical and psychical recovery of the ones being assisted.
The Association has been created in order to structure and legally shape an activity, that started several years ago, of saving from material disappearance as well as of psychical and moral recovery of several children placed on the periphery of society and denied by the same.
The total number of assisted in this moment are ~350 persons, from the following categories:
- children born due to giving up abortion and let in the care of the Association, in full confidentiality conditions, on a shorter or longer period of time;
- children from families having big social problems which were brought by their mothers for a temporary period of time;
- children abandoned in hospitals having deficiencies in course of recovery by their placement in a family environment;
- street children recovered and in course of reintegration;
- youngsters sent away from orphanages after reaching the age of 18, re-socialized and involved in lucrative activities;
- pregnant women or mothers banished by their families and protected until the solving of their personal situation;
- children resulted from rape.
The Association has been established in 1994 by the orthodox priest Nicolae Tănase, parish priest Valea Plopului Village, and his wife, Maria Tănase, educator at the Vălenii de Munte Kindergarten nr. 3.
The Association is counting a great deal on the permanent voluntary work of a number of approximately 50 persons from all city civil society areas (Ploieşti and Bucharest) such as engineers, architects, doctors, teachers, medical assistants, social assistants, artists, clerks, students, priests from others parishes, as well as a great deal of people from local community.
Pentru cei interesaţi să ajute proiectul de la Valea Plopului, informaţii despre cum puteţi să faceţi donaţii aici:
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Obama's speech decripted
For a decade, we have been spending more money than we take in. Last time the budget was balanced was under a Democratic President, Bill Clinton. (Applause.) And a series of decisions were made — whether it was cutting taxes, or engaging in two wars, or a prescription drug benefit for seniors — that weren’t paid for, and then a financial crisis on top of that, Recovery Act to try to pull us out of a Great Depression — all those things contributed to this accumulated debt.It's all Bush's fault!
And regardless of what you feel about the particular policies — some of you may have supported the wars or opposed the wars; some of you may have agreed with the Recovery Act; some of you may be opposed — regardless of your views on these various actions that were taken, the fact is they all cost money. And the result is that there’s simply too much debt on America’s credit card.Did you know that America accumulated more debt under my first 19 months of Presidency than all Presidents from Washington through Reagan combined?
Neither party is blameless for the decisions that led to this problem, but both parties have a responsibility to solve it. (Applause.) If we don’t solve it, every American will suffer. Businesses will be less likely to invest and hire in America. Ask your head of Council on Jobs and Competitiveness how is that working out for the American people.Interest rates will rise for people who need money to buy a home or a car, or go to college. We won’t have enough money to invest in things like education-did you have the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal in mind when you phrased this?and clean energy-does that include bankrupting the coal industry?, or protect important programs like Medicare, because we’ll be paying more and more interest on this national debt and that money just flows overseas-you learned that form your buddy Jeffrey Immelt, didn't you?-instead of being spent here on the things that we need-like cash for clunkers or shovel not so ready projects
Now, the one thing we can’t do — cannot do — is decide that we are not going to pay the bills the previous congresses have already racked up. So that’s what this whole issue of raising the debt ceiling is all about. Basically, there’s some people out there who argue we’re not going to raise the debt ceiling any more. And the problem is, effectively what that’s saying is we’re not going to pay some of our bills. Well, the United States of America does not run out without paying the tab. We pay our bills. (Applause.) We meet our obligations. (Applause.) We have never defaulted on our debt. We’re not going to do it now.By taxing the rich.
But even if we raise the debt ceiling, this debate shouldn’t just be about avoiding some kind of crisis, particularly a crisis manufactured in Washington.We understand you are not part of it. You were born in Hawaii. This is a rare opportunity for both parties to come together and choose a path where we stop putting so much debt on our credit card. We start paying it down a little bit. And that’s what we’ve been trying to do.
So, for my part, I’ve already said that I’m willing to cut a historic amount of government spending in order to reduce the deficit-Did you start with the over $37,000,000 in salaries paid to your White House aids? Leading by example,you know. I’m willing to cut spending on domestic programs, taking them to the lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower. I’m willing to cut defense spending at the Pentagon by hundreds of billions of dollars. (Applause.) You forgot NASA. I’m willing to take on the rising costs of health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid, so that these programs will be there for the next generation, for folks — for a population generally that’s getting older and living longer.Not so sure how it will that go if you get reelected. We’ve got to make sure that these programs, which are the crown jewels of our social safety net, that — sort of mixed metaphors there — (laughter) — that those are there for the future.
And some of these cuts would just eliminate wasteful spending —don't you dare touching Harry's Cowboy Poetry Festival!-weapons we don’t need, fraud and abuse in our health care system. But I want to be honest. I’ve agreed to also target some programs that I actually think are worthwhile. They’re cuts that some people in my own party aren’t too happy about. And, frankly, I wouldn’t make them if money wasn’t so tight. But it’s just like a family. If you’ve got to tighten your belts, you make some choices.
Now, here’s the thing, though — and this is what the argument is about — we can’t just close our deficit with spending cuts alone, because if we take that route it means that seniors would have to pay a lot more for Medicare, or students would have to pay a lot more for student loans. It means that laid-off workers might not be able to count on temporary assistance or training to help them get a new job. It means we’d have to make devastating cuts in education-did you mean less Atlanta Public Schools Graduates?- and medical research and clean energy research-does that go hand in hand with bankrupting the coal industry?- just at a time when gas prices are killing people at the pump-it is Bush's Fault!How about removing the oil drilling ban instead investing in Brazilian drills?
So if we only did it with cuts, if we did not get any revenue to help close this gap between how much money is coming in and how much money is going out, then a lot of ordinary people would be hurt and the country as a whole would be hurt. And that doesn’t make any sense. It’s not fair-I'll raise taxes to make it fair, because raising taxes is not about revenue, it's about fairness.
And it’s why I’ve said if we’re going to reduce our deficit, then the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations should do their part as well-Did you include your friends from GE here?. (Applause.) Before we stop funding clean energy research, let’s ask oil companies and corporate jet owners to give up the tax breaks-You gave the corporate jet owners the tax break through the Stimulus Package, remember?-that other companies don’t get. I mean, these are special tax breaks. (Applause.) Before we ask college students to pay more for their education, let’s ask hedge fund managers to stop paying taxes that are lower on their rates than their secretaries. (Applause.) Before we ask seniors to pay more for Medicare, let’s ask people like me to give up tax breaks that we don’t need and we weren’t even asking for-So, all the money we earn belongs to the Imperial Government and we need to be happy to keep some of it for ourselves. Thanks for clarifying that, Mr.President! (Applause.)
Look, I want everybody in America to do well. I want everybody to have a chance to become a millionaire-so I can tax them to death afterwards. I think the free market system is the greatest wealth generator we’ve ever known. This isn’t about punishing wealth.Really? This is about asking people who have benefited most over the last decade to share in the sacrifice.You think some benefit, take advantage of the system and exploit the poor. I think those who became successful in the last decade could share some of their 12 to 18 hours work day sacrifice with the leaches they have been keeping on welfare. (Applause.) I think these patriotic Americans are willing to pitch in — if they’re asked — because they know that middle-class families shouldn’t have to pick up the whole tab for closing the deficit.
So this idea of balance, this idea of shared sacrifice, of a deficit plan that includes tough spending cuts but also includes tax reform that raises more revenue -you mean tax increases, and that will not raise more revenue.But it doesn't matter, it's about fairness, right?— this isn’t just my position. This isn’t just the Democratic position. This isn’t some wild-eyed socialist position. (Laughter.) This is a position that’s being taken by people of both parties and no party. It’s a position taken by Warren Buffet — somebody who knows about business and knows a little something about being wealthy. (Laughter.) It’s a position that’s been taken by every Democratic and Republican President who’ve signed major deficit deals in the past, from Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton.You just thought you will trow Reagan's name in there to legitimize your class warfare. Whom do you think you are bullshitting, Mr.President? And I was pleased to see this week that it’s a position taken by Democrats and Republicans in the Senate.
So we can pass a balanced plan like this. It’s not going to make everybody happy.You mean these guys, right? In fact, it will make everybody somewhat unhappy. The easiest thing for a politician to do is to give you more stuff and ask less in return. It’s a lot harder to say, we got to cut back on what you’re getting and you got to pay a little more. That’s never fun. But we can do it in a balanced way that doesn’t hurt anybody badly, that doesn’t put the burden just on one group.Do you want to surprise us and make the 47% of Americans that pay no federal income taxes chip in something?Just kidding!
So we can solve our deficit problem. And I’m willing to sign a plan that includes tough choices I would not normally make, and there are a lot of Democrats and Republicans in Congress who I believe are willing to do the same thing. The only people we have left to convince are some folks in the House of Representatives.Are you afraid that saying "Tea Partiers" it will make you loose votes?Don't worry, Tea Party Patriots will rather vote for Jimmy Buffett than for you (no offense to Jimmy Buffett) We’re going to keep working on that. (Laughter.) We know you will-on the golf course.Because I still believe we can do what you sent us here to do.
In 2010, Americans chose a divided government, but they didn’t choose a dysfunctional government. (Applause.) So there will be time for political campaigning, but right now this debate shouldn’t be about putting on — scoring political points. It should be about doing what’s right for the country, for everybody. You expect us to work together. You expect us to compromise. You’ve all been working hard-unlike me. You’ve been doing whatever you have to do in order to get by and raise your families. You’re meeting your responsibilities. So it’s time for those of us in Washington to do the same thing.I am planning to start working on it if you reelect me. And I intend to make that happen in the coming days.I have some more golfing on my agenda. Suckers! (Applause.)
And regardless of what you feel about the particular policies — some of you may have supported the wars or opposed the wars; some of you may have agreed with the Recovery Act; some of you may be opposed — regardless of your views on these various actions that were taken, the fact is they all cost money. And the result is that there’s simply too much debt on America’s credit card.Did you know that America accumulated more debt under my first 19 months of Presidency than all Presidents from Washington through Reagan combined?
Neither party is blameless for the decisions that led to this problem, but both parties have a responsibility to solve it. (Applause.) If we don’t solve it, every American will suffer. Businesses will be less likely to invest and hire in America. Ask your head of Council on Jobs and Competitiveness how is that working out for the American people.Interest rates will rise for people who need money to buy a home or a car, or go to college. We won’t have enough money to invest in things like education-did you have the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal in mind when you phrased this?and clean energy-does that include bankrupting the coal industry?, or protect important programs like Medicare, because we’ll be paying more and more interest on this national debt and that money just flows overseas-you learned that form your buddy Jeffrey Immelt, didn't you?-instead of being spent here on the things that we need-like cash for clunkers or shovel not so ready projects
Now, the one thing we can’t do — cannot do — is decide that we are not going to pay the bills the previous congresses have already racked up. So that’s what this whole issue of raising the debt ceiling is all about. Basically, there’s some people out there who argue we’re not going to raise the debt ceiling any more. And the problem is, effectively what that’s saying is we’re not going to pay some of our bills. Well, the United States of America does not run out without paying the tab. We pay our bills. (Applause.) We meet our obligations. (Applause.) We have never defaulted on our debt. We’re not going to do it now.By taxing the rich.
But even if we raise the debt ceiling, this debate shouldn’t just be about avoiding some kind of crisis, particularly a crisis manufactured in Washington.We understand you are not part of it. You were born in Hawaii. This is a rare opportunity for both parties to come together and choose a path where we stop putting so much debt on our credit card. We start paying it down a little bit. And that’s what we’ve been trying to do.
So, for my part, I’ve already said that I’m willing to cut a historic amount of government spending in order to reduce the deficit-Did you start with the over $37,000,000 in salaries paid to your White House aids? Leading by example,you know. I’m willing to cut spending on domestic programs, taking them to the lowest level since Dwight Eisenhower. I’m willing to cut defense spending at the Pentagon by hundreds of billions of dollars. (Applause.) You forgot NASA. I’m willing to take on the rising costs of health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid, so that these programs will be there for the next generation, for folks — for a population generally that’s getting older and living longer.Not so sure how it will that go if you get reelected. We’ve got to make sure that these programs, which are the crown jewels of our social safety net, that — sort of mixed metaphors there — (laughter) — that those are there for the future.
And some of these cuts would just eliminate wasteful spending —don't you dare touching Harry's Cowboy Poetry Festival!-weapons we don’t need, fraud and abuse in our health care system. But I want to be honest. I’ve agreed to also target some programs that I actually think are worthwhile. They’re cuts that some people in my own party aren’t too happy about. And, frankly, I wouldn’t make them if money wasn’t so tight. But it’s just like a family. If you’ve got to tighten your belts, you make some choices.
Now, here’s the thing, though — and this is what the argument is about — we can’t just close our deficit with spending cuts alone, because if we take that route it means that seniors would have to pay a lot more for Medicare, or students would have to pay a lot more for student loans. It means that laid-off workers might not be able to count on temporary assistance or training to help them get a new job. It means we’d have to make devastating cuts in education-did you mean less Atlanta Public Schools Graduates?- and medical research and clean energy research-does that go hand in hand with bankrupting the coal industry?- just at a time when gas prices are killing people at the pump-it is Bush's Fault!How about removing the oil drilling ban instead investing in Brazilian drills?
So if we only did it with cuts, if we did not get any revenue to help close this gap between how much money is coming in and how much money is going out, then a lot of ordinary people would be hurt and the country as a whole would be hurt. And that doesn’t make any sense. It’s not fair-I'll raise taxes to make it fair, because raising taxes is not about revenue, it's about fairness.
And it’s why I’ve said if we’re going to reduce our deficit, then the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations should do their part as well-Did you include your friends from GE here?. (Applause.) Before we stop funding clean energy research, let’s ask oil companies and corporate jet owners to give up the tax breaks-You gave the corporate jet owners the tax break through the Stimulus Package, remember?-that other companies don’t get. I mean, these are special tax breaks. (Applause.) Before we ask college students to pay more for their education, let’s ask hedge fund managers to stop paying taxes that are lower on their rates than their secretaries. (Applause.) Before we ask seniors to pay more for Medicare, let’s ask people like me to give up tax breaks that we don’t need and we weren’t even asking for-So, all the money we earn belongs to the Imperial Government and we need to be happy to keep some of it for ourselves. Thanks for clarifying that, Mr.President! (Applause.)
Look, I want everybody in America to do well. I want everybody to have a chance to become a millionaire-so I can tax them to death afterwards. I think the free market system is the greatest wealth generator we’ve ever known. This isn’t about punishing wealth.Really? This is about asking people who have benefited most over the last decade to share in the sacrifice.You think some benefit, take advantage of the system and exploit the poor. I think those who became successful in the last decade could share some of their 12 to 18 hours work day sacrifice with the leaches they have been keeping on welfare. (Applause.) I think these patriotic Americans are willing to pitch in — if they’re asked — because they know that middle-class families shouldn’t have to pick up the whole tab for closing the deficit.
So this idea of balance, this idea of shared sacrifice, of a deficit plan that includes tough spending cuts but also includes tax reform that raises more revenue -you mean tax increases, and that will not raise more revenue.But it doesn't matter, it's about fairness, right?— this isn’t just my position. This isn’t just the Democratic position. This isn’t some wild-eyed socialist position. (Laughter.) This is a position that’s being taken by people of both parties and no party. It’s a position taken by Warren Buffet — somebody who knows about business and knows a little something about being wealthy. (Laughter.) It’s a position that’s been taken by every Democratic and Republican President who’ve signed major deficit deals in the past, from Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton.You just thought you will trow Reagan's name in there to legitimize your class warfare. Whom do you think you are bullshitting, Mr.President? And I was pleased to see this week that it’s a position taken by Democrats and Republicans in the Senate.
So we can pass a balanced plan like this. It’s not going to make everybody happy.You mean these guys, right? In fact, it will make everybody somewhat unhappy. The easiest thing for a politician to do is to give you more stuff and ask less in return. It’s a lot harder to say, we got to cut back on what you’re getting and you got to pay a little more. That’s never fun. But we can do it in a balanced way that doesn’t hurt anybody badly, that doesn’t put the burden just on one group.Do you want to surprise us and make the 47% of Americans that pay no federal income taxes chip in something?Just kidding!
So we can solve our deficit problem. And I’m willing to sign a plan that includes tough choices I would not normally make, and there are a lot of Democrats and Republicans in Congress who I believe are willing to do the same thing. The only people we have left to convince are some folks in the House of Representatives.Are you afraid that saying "Tea Partiers" it will make you loose votes?Don't worry, Tea Party Patriots will rather vote for Jimmy Buffett than for you (no offense to Jimmy Buffett) We’re going to keep working on that. (Laughter.) We know you will-on the golf course.Because I still believe we can do what you sent us here to do.
In 2010, Americans chose a divided government, but they didn’t choose a dysfunctional government. (Applause.) So there will be time for political campaigning, but right now this debate shouldn’t be about putting on — scoring political points. It should be about doing what’s right for the country, for everybody. You expect us to work together. You expect us to compromise. You’ve all been working hard-unlike me. You’ve been doing whatever you have to do in order to get by and raise your families. You’re meeting your responsibilities. So it’s time for those of us in Washington to do the same thing.I am planning to start working on it if you reelect me. And I intend to make that happen in the coming days.I have some more golfing on my agenda. Suckers! (Applause.)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tupeu 2011:Secretarul de presă al Casei Albe declară că situaţia economică s-a îmbunătăţit simţitor sub Barack Obama
Terra către Carney:În economie nu e ca la algebra, unde minusurile pe linie înregistrate de şeful tău dau cu plus. În rest, îţi urăm somn uşor.Nu te deranja să-ţi pui ceasul să sune, te trezim noi prin noiembrie 2012, când îţi va veni sorocul să-ţi cauţi un loc de muncă.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Premiile MSNBC "Bine că eşti tu deştept!"
Secvenţa video de mai jos mi-a adus aminte de un banc făcut pe seama oraşului Caracal, unde, conform legendei, s-ar fi răsturnat carul cu proşti. Un tip călătorea cu trenul pe ruta Timişoara-Bucureşti.Când trenul tocmai pleca din gara Craiova, tipul adoarme. Se trezeşte când trenul era oprit în altă gară.Curios să vadă cât mai e până la destinaţie, omul nostru scoate capul pe geam şi îl întreabă pe un angajat CFR care se afla pe peronul gării:"Nu vă supăraţi, aici e gara Caracal?". La care ceferistul, vădit ofensat, îi răspunde:"Bine că eşti tu deştept!"
Azi am văzut înregistrarea unei faze care pare a se fi desfăşurat după scenariul bancului de mai sus. Într-o dezbatere pe marginea temelor zilei din Washington, realizatoarea MSNBC Contessa Brewer încearcă să-şi ridiculizeze partenerul de discuţie, congresmanul Mo Brooks(R-AL), întrebându-l dacă are studii în domeniul economic. Judecând după răspunsul primit, numită contesă şi-a dat un cap în gură.
Azi am văzut înregistrarea unei faze care pare a se fi desfăşurat după scenariul bancului de mai sus. Într-o dezbatere pe marginea temelor zilei din Washington, realizatoarea MSNBC Contessa Brewer încearcă să-şi ridiculizeze partenerul de discuţie, congresmanul Mo Brooks(R-AL), întrebându-l dacă are studii în domeniul economic. Judecând după răspunsul primit, numită contesă şi-a dat un cap în gură.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
O dezbatere memorabilă:Congresmanul Joe Walsh(R-IL) versus Chris "Furnicături" Matthews
De azi am un nou erou:congresmanul Joe Walsh. Modul în care îl pune la colţ pe Matthews cu replici ca "Obama doesn't send a trill up my leg" e entuziasmant. Segmentul video a fost preluat de mai toate blogurile conservatoare din S.U.A. Enjoy!
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Monday, July 18, 2011
Miliardarul Steve Wynn atacă discursul socialist al preşedintelui Obama
Legendarul Steve Wynn, dezvoltator imobiliar de care se leagă renaşterea Las Vegasului din anii '90, îşi exprimă nemulţumirea faţă de direcţia în care se îndreaptă economia americană, avertizând că cei care au bani de investit refuză să o facă până nu-l vor vedea pe Obama părăsind Casa Albă. Motivul? Atitudinea şi discursurile anti business şi redistribuţioniste ale preşedintelui. Segmentul audio a fost înregistrat la o teleconferinţă la care Wynn a luat parte azi.
Cine e Steve Wynn
Cine e Steve Wynn
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Senatorul Marco Rubio(R-FL):N-am văzut până acum vreo hârtie semnată de preşedinte în care să propună soluţii pentru rezolvarea crizei bugetare
Invitat la emisiunea "Face the Nation" de pe CBS, senatorul Rubio îi oferă o lecţie realizatorului emisiunii-Bob Schieffer.Subiectul discuţiei este impasul în care se află negocierile dintre preşedintele Obama şi republicani cu privire la ridicarea plafonului maxim al datoriei publice.Iată cum caracterizează Rubio poziţia preşedintelui Obama:"OK, unde e planul?Unde e planul preşedintelui?N-am văzut măcar o dată vreo bucată de hârtie cu numele preşedintelui pe ea care să conţină un plan de a rezolva criza.Am văzut conferinţe de presă.Am văzut lecţii predate în faţa Congresului.Am văzut întâlniri cu presa unde apare o cameră foto care face o mulţime de fotografii.Nu am văzut un plan.Unde e planul preşedintelui?" Pe tot prcursul interviului, realizatorul e băgat în corzi de un Rubio dezlănţuit.
Deşi e la primul mandat în Senat, Marco Rubio atrage deja atenţia celor care urmăresc scena politică din Washington. Nu e exclus ca într-o bună zi să scriu depre preşedintele Rubio.
Preluare de pe Fox Nation.
Deşi e la primul mandat în Senat, Marco Rubio atrage deja atenţia celor care urmăresc scena politică din Washington. Nu e exclus ca într-o bună zi să scriu depre preşedintele Rubio.
Preluare de pe Fox Nation.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Munceşte mai mult!Un trântor care trăieşte din ajutor social are nevoie de banii tăi
În jur de 5.000 de oameni s-au îmbrâncit joi dimineaţă în Dallas. Premiul:vouchere pentru chirie, cunoscute şi sub numele de Section 8.După ce urmăriţi imaginile, am şi eu o curiozitate:câţi dintre cei pe care i-aţi văzut alergând de le sfârâiau călcâiele după pomana izbăvitoare ar fi alergat la fel de tare să ajungă în timp la serviciu?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Obama:Jimmy Carter reloaded
Fraze juxtapuse din discursul lui Jimmy Carter din 1979 cunoscut sub numele de "Malaise Speech" peste remarci de dată recentă ale preşedintelui Obama.Aşadar, nimic nou sub soare, cu excepţia ambalajului.
Preluat de pe Mediaite
Preluat de pe Mediaite
Încă o pagină din manualul de luptă politică al democraţilor:cartea rasismului.Azi:Sheila Jackson Lee
Cei care urmăresc de zile întregi negocierile dintre Obama şi republicani pentru ridicarea plafonului maxim al datoriei publice au acum ocazia să afle cauza pentru care nu s-a ajuns încă la o înţelegere:republicanilor le displace faptul că preşedintele Obama e negru. Declaraţia aparţine democratei Sheila Jackson Lee. Ce simplu era!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Big Brother te priveşte
Te afli într-o mulţime de mii de oameni. Te simţi bine să fii anonim. Poţi să strigi ce vrei, nimeni n-o să ştie că ai fost acolo. Greşit! Iată de ce e capabil programul ăsta.
Preluat de pe iOwnTheWorld.
Preluat de pe iOwnTheWorld.
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