Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ambasadorul John Bolton despre reacţia administraţiei Obama la ultimele evenimente din Siria

1 comment:

roadrunner said...


I'm not gonna discuss John Bolton, I'm bored to death by this subject.

But I was reading this article:

Ron Paul's hurdle in a third presidential bid would be charming Tea Party supporters

and I'm reading this:

Leaders of various national Tea Party groups offered a mix of explanations as to why Paul's message hadn't caught on among those in their ranks.

Who are those ranks?

Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, said Paul was "ahead of the curve" on the issue of curbing government spending, but his views on foreign policy were unacceptable to many of those affiliated with the movement.

What is unacceptable in those views? What movement is this Phillips talking about?

... and then:

Scott Wheeler, executive director of the National Republican Trust PAC, agreed. "There is room for a Ron Paul-type candidate if they understand the war on terror, they would drag over a lot more conservatives," he said.

And what if they don't? What you're gonna do with these guys? What in the hell defines what a conservative is?

Ma opresc aici, dar as putea sa mai vin cu citate.

Considera postul ca pe o continuare a discutiei noastre precedente. Who is the Tea Party? Everyone seems to claim he's riding on it...

Tine cont de faptul ca USA Today este un outpost liberal pina-n maduva oaselor! De ce lanseaza ei intrebarile astea? Cui foloseste ca USA Today incearca sa identifice (stiind foarte bine ce vor si ce fac!) the Tea Party with the good ole neoconism al lui Kristoll, Podhoretz, Krauthammer, National Review, Fox, Hannity (cu Hannity n-am nimic, saracu', e asa de slabutz ca mi-e si mila de el...), John Bolton, etc?

Si cui foloseste ca USA Today isi cistiga pointul folosind exact materialu' clientului?

Si de ce nu raspund ei la intrebarile astea, ci le lasa atirnind in aer?

Si nici macar nu le pun ca intrebari, on the contrary, they state them as self-evident truths!

Daca Tea Party este intr-adevar reprezentata de astia de mai sus, I don't want any part of it!

Oricit am injura noi MSM, ei ne pun intrebarile corecte. Bineinteles, in ideea ca nu vom sti sa raspundem la ele si vom pierde. Solutia este sa le raspunzi la intrebari: si sa le raspunzi fara sa fii legat de false allegiances and commitments.

Nu ma intereseaza cine are galeria mai puternica si cine cistiga un meci fals, ca >aici.

Ai citit vreodata The Conscience of a Conservative? Read it, you'll be surprised!

Politica-i treaba serioasa, teachere, nu-i galeria lu' Steaua!